ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Friendly people, scenic beauty!

General life as a student in


If you’ve made it to this section, looks like you’re really considering studying in Romania! Congratulations and please…keep on reading!

Here in Romania you will meet a lot of friendly people, scenic beauty and contrasts, from the vibrant cities to the rural areas where people still maintain authentic traditions, a lot of things are waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. Student social life covers a wide range of activities and opportunities to socialize on and off campus: student campus events, recreation, sports and outdoor activities, various student-run services, cinema, and theatre groups. You can chose from cultural activities such as cinema, concerts, museums or recreational activities, such as playing sports, shopping, going out with friends, or traveling across the country during the weekends or on your vacations. 

Did we mention the speediness of the internet? I’m sure you’ve already heard a thing or two about that, but just in case you haven’t yet, we’re here to tell you that Romania is ranked among the top places in the world in terms of internet speed. 

And don’t worry, most people you’ll encounter will speak at least a bit of English, but maybe also French or Italian or German. Either way, your message will be understood, so all you need to do is come over here!

[T: 0.2299, O: 63]