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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Visa rules and procedures



I. General information

Romania is a Member State of the European Union.

Types of visas issued by Romania:

Short-stay visas (C-type visas) – the authorised stay granted through a C-type visa cannot be extended and the maximum authorised stay is of 90 days throughout any 180-days;

Long-stay visas (D-type visas) - the authorised stay granted through a D-type visa can be extended by means of a residence permit. In order to apply for the extension of your authorised stay, beyond the maximum 90-day limit, and obtain a residence permit, throughout the first 30 days from the date of entry into Romania, please address the territorial bureau of the Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration of the Ministry of Interior of Romania.

Applicants must lodge their application for a Romanian visa, electronically, through the e-VISA electronic portal, available 24/7.

Visa applications are electronically sent to and physically lodged at the Romanian Diplomatic Mission or Consular Post (DMCP) with territorial competency for the country in which visa applicants are legally present. The list of Romanian DMCPs can be found here: http://www.mae.ro/en/romanian-missions

Please make use of the e-VISA portal, as there is no other manner in which you can set online appointments for the lodging of visa applications.


To the attention of all third-state nationals, irrespective of whether they are required or not to hold an entry visa for Romania:

All aliens who wish to travel to Romania must be in possession of a valid travel document accepted by Romania, on which, should it be necessary, a visa can be affixed.

The validity of the travel document must exceed the validity of the visa you apply for, or, depending on the case, the period of your stay without the visa requirement, by at least 3 months, and must have been issued no later than 10 years ago.

Please consult the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to be allowed entry into Romania: e-VISA.


II. Visa Application Procedures for Romania - How Should I Apply and What Type of Visa Should I Apply For?

Short-term studies, ERASMUS+ for stays that do not exceed 90 consecutive days throughout any 180-day period – Short-Stay Visa for Other Purposes (C/ZA);

  • Third-state nationals who travel to Romania for stays that do not exceed 90 consecutive days throughout any 180-day period can lodge short-stay visa applications. Therefore, students, teachers or members of the ERASMUS+ programme who travel to Romania for short stays can apply for short-stay visas “for other purposes”, marked C/ZA.
  • All relevant information related to the Romanian visa policy can equally be consulted by accessing e-VISA.
  • Please also note that third-state nationals who hold valid visas (in the uniform format) / residence permits issued by Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, or of visas issued by a Schengen Member State - with at least 2 entries, as well as of residence permits issued by Schengen Member States, are exempt from the Romanian short-stay visa requirement. However, an essential precondition for the equivalence of said visas/residence permits as Romanian national visas is that they be valid, namely that the number of entries, right of stay and visa validity have not been used up. Also, it is equally brought to the attention of such visa/residence permit holders that the right of stay on the territory of Romania may not exceed the right of stay granted through the aforementioned visas/residence permits and the purpose of the trip to Romania must be justified at the Border Crossing Point of entry.

[T: 0.2636, O: 55]